Page name: Taking over the World 101 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-11-11 19:27:29
Last author: Davorah
Owner: Sundrop
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Taking over the World 101

World Domination in many many many easy steps!
by [Sundrop] and [WackyCaptain]

Teaching you how to become the villain of your dreams!

Note: We are not responsible for any actions taken by anyone using these helpful tips and tricks when deciding to take over the world.

Think of the greats: The Joker, Dr. Evil, Mojojojo, Pinky and the Brain, Cat Woman, Richard Simmons, and... shudder Martha Stewart...

We know these evil villains, and as an evil villain trainee, you can learn from them. Watch them closely if you see them on television so you can learn from their mistakes.

Wait-a-minute-wait-a-minute! Don't go anywhere before you read Our Wiki Rules.

6-23-04: In honor of my Birthday...I updated this page! :o
6-7-04: Started major renovation of Wiki! Check out the tidy-ness of it all! Now we just need some awesome graphics! *hint hint to all artists out there*

The Classifieds
by [Sundrop]
I'm looking for a permanent artist to help out the wiki and get up some graphics!

List of Evil-ness: Join by adding yourself to the list!

[Eugenidies] took the liberty of creating a banner without being asked! (And it's much better than the one I made XD) So now it is the official Taking of the World 101 Wiki's banner!

The Basics-
Becoming an Evil Villain

by [Sundrop]

Techniques and Tips
by [Sundrop]

Ha, ha, ha, ha, Stayin' Alive! (For the first sequel, anyway.)
by [WackyCaptain]

Weird Science or: Zen and the Art of Mind Control
by [WackyCaptain]

Step by Step: Sundrop's Latest Plot
by [Sundrop]

Spotlight of Total Domination
by [WackyCaptain]

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[puffcat]: i want to be a minoin!and an onion!and a cat!

[Lenne]: A good way to take over the world would be to give everyone cookies dosed with mind-control potion. No one can resist cookies. *Offers everyone cookies* ^___^

[Lenne]: Hmm, apparently the page is getting too big, ya need to divide it up... *offers assistance... in an evil kinda way*

[frlfclover]: I want to join! How do i join?

[Lenne]: Add your name to the list of current evil lackeys, trainees, etc

[Knightofthelight]: Dude!!! Where's the Machiavelli???

[The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: Hey do we have to start small? Can't we just start tryin to take over the world?

[Knightofthelight]: To start you need Machiavelli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: What on earth, sorry, in this universe is machiavelli?

[Knightofthelight]: Machiavelli is a person who wrote 'The Prince', that is a book you need to read in order to take over the world.

[The Scarlet Pumpernickle]: Ah.. gotcha

[WackyCaptain]: Machiavelli has no power here! He was an advisor, never a ruler, and 'The Prince' is useful. WHEN ONE IS WITHOUT ANY SORT OF CREATIVE BONE IN ONE'S BODY! Don't be tellin' me how to run my empire from beyond the grave, cray-zee ol' coot! Jeebus knows I get enough of that from the nay-sayers.

[Knightofthelight]: Luck then.

[Lenne]: I like Machiavelli. Some wonderful quotes.

[WackyCaptain]: As do I. Mayhaps I have mis-stated my standing. He's a keen dude, but we're trying to come up with original ways to conquer the world. Not lift from other authors. Or something to that effect that makes me sound less like a cray-zee pants.

[Geo Y]: Fools there is but only one way to rule the world *brings out a box cover with a sheet* and that’s with *pulls sheet off of box* these kittens. GENETICALLY ALTERED KITTENS OF DOOM!!!*doom echoes* aww their so cute.O_o*notice people staring* um… SO THEY MUST BE EVIL!!!

[Sundrop]: Comments are getting too confusing...Will be cleaning up the wiki and relocating pages within the next few weeks.

[Geo Y]: What you dare mock the GENETICALLY ALTERED KITTENS OF DOOM!!!*doom echoes*

[Lenne]: *Steals GAKoD*

[Quazi]: Hello. I have added my name to the trainees? If that all right? I am unsure what to do?? Instruct me. *Bows humbly* AAAAARRRRR...KITTENS

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